Give to Peace

Peace partners with Vanco Services, LLC, to be able to process online contributions. The information Vanco receives from you will only be used to process your transactions and will never be shared with any other party, except as required by law. Your information will be safeguarded in strict compliance with federal standards for nonpublic personal information.

More and more people are using electronic transfers to pay their monthly bills for credit cards, utilities, mortgages, and so on. Our online contribution system brings convenience, security and privacy to your offerings for the Lord’s work at Peace.

Church offerings
Please remember that your gift is much more than merely a convenient, tax-deductible contribution to a charitable organization.

Your gift is an offering to the Lord, motivated by Christian love, and given from a heart that is thankful for God’s blessing of grace, forgiveness, care and protection. Christian giving is an act of worship, praise and thanks. It is a sacrifice of gratitude to God.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your own heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

An additional avenue for giving might be through stocks or investments. Click on the green button below if you would like to explore that avenue further.